COVERAGE: One Gallon Covers up to 10,000 Square Feet
HOW TO MIX: Shake well before using. Mix one part Fiesta Turf Weed Killer with 24 parts water (5 oz. in 1 gallon of water). Apply the mixed solution at a rate of 2.5-10 gallons/1000 ft2
RAIN FAST IN 3 HOURS: Fiesta is made from iron, it has no unpleasant odor during or after application, and people and pets can reenter the treated area once the spray is dry. Rain Fast in as little as three (3) Hours.
SELECTIVE HERBICIDE: Fiesta Turf Weed Killer is a selective, broadleaf weed killer that leaves turf healthy and weed-free using a specially formulated iron chelate solution
HOME & COMMERCIAL USES: Fiesta is a versatile, patented product that will help grass look its best, even in many pesticide restricted areas such as parks, golf courses, cemeteries, sports fields, and playgrounds. Lawns and turf can be reseeded within one day of treatment. This product is ideal for alternative lawn care programs at home or for commercial uses.
USE PRECAUTIONS: Do not apply to drought stressed grass; ensure turf is well watered prior to application. Do not apply when the daytime temperature will exceed 85ºF. Do not apply to bentgrass. Any desirable plants or structures accidentally contacted should be rinsed with water to avoid staining.